Funding Options for Ontario’s Automotive and Mobility Evolution with OVIN

OVIN will build on successful elements of AVIN, accelerating the development of next-generation electric, connected, autonomous and mobility technologies, as well as supporting Ontario’s role as the manufacturing hub of Canada.

Ontario is poised to become a leader in automotive technologies and smart mobility solutions as the province’s transportation and infrastructure networks plan and adapt for a radical transformation.

The Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN) has developed programs and resources to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as they develop, test, and commercialize their products and solutions.

This session will focus on why Ontario is an ideal location for economic growth in this sector, and how OVIN and its constituent Regional Technology Development Sites are poised to support SMEs with specific programs related to funding, talent development, and commercializing products and solutions for winter conditions.

This session is suitable for SMEs looking for financial, human capital, or technical support as they develop, test, validate, and commercialize their products and technologies.

Attendees of this session will gain insights on:

  • the Ontario Advantage
  • OVIN and its constituent Regional Technology Development Sites
  • OVIN R&D Partnership funds
  • OVIN WinterTech Development program
  • OVIN Talent Development program
  • CITM and its offering to SME’s from its Hamilton Facility

SPEAKER: John George, OVIN – Sector Manager, Electric Vehicles

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