FTMS 2021: Automation & The Internet of Things – The Death of the Security Perimeter

Eric Matthews, Chief Technology Officer & Co-Chief Cyber Strategist, Parabellyx Cybersecurity

Increasingly intelligent devices have begun to proliferate throughout the environment, both in public and private circles. Growing automation increased the risk profile of our interaction with these devices. Smart, independent devices place safety in the hands of isolated and independent devices and challenged the concept of the traditional security perimeter. This moves security validation away from the secure enterprise data centre and infrastructure and onto the developer, maintainer and consumer.

The third annual Future of Transportation and Mobility Series event explored the future of goods movement and the supply chain, addressing the state of autonomous vehicle technologies from the first mile to the last, as we foster change and challenge the opportunities to bring the use of connected and autonomous technologies to reality.

The event featured virtual keynotes, panels and networking with industry, entrepreneurs, government and academia.

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